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Viscometer, In-line Viscometer, HT/HP Rheometer, Consistometer, Interfacial Tension Tester

Multi-Place Cold Finger

Cold Finger 장비의 원리는 반전된 파이프라인에 있다. 파이프라인의 내부 온도가 WAT (Wax Appearance Temperature) 이하로 떨어지면 파이프라인 주변에서 회전하고 있던 오일이 파이프라인의 벽 표면에서 침전하기 시작한다. 침전물이 Cold Finger로부터 분리되어 무게가 재어지면 화학 성분이 첨가되거나 그렇지 않은 Paraffin의 상대적인 무게를 알 수 있고 이를 통해 오일에 첨가된 화학성분의 효과를 관찰할 수 있다.

샘플은 최대 100 ml 또는 최대 250 ml 까지 측정될 수 있으며 Cold Finger는 재사용이 가능하고, 길이나 두께도 조정될 수 있다.



In analysing waxy crude oil and also in testing, developing and selecting wax inhibiting chemicals, it is of importance to perform tests in a fast and efficient way and under reproducible conditions.

The principle of the Cold Finger instrument is an inverted pipeline. The cooled metal finger simulates the pipeline’s inner wall. The heated and stirred oil flows around it. When the finger’s temperature falls below the WAT, wax starts to deposit on its surface.

Combining multiple cold finger devices in one heating bath gives the ability to perform surveys on wax inhibitors, e.g. simultaneous testing of different chemicals on a sample or one chemical with different concentrations.


The Cold Finger devices by F5 Technologie combine accuracy, ergonomics and flexibility to a maximum benefit to researchers and producers in the field of paraffin deposition inhibition. So, the experimental approach to paraffin deposition effects becomes reliable and reproducible.

Our Multi-Place Cold Finger instrument offers the following advantages:

  • Parallel measurements of different chemicals and/or different concentrations
  • Blank test for relative efficiency determination
  • The deposit is available for further examination after the test
  • Cold Fingers are exchangeable
  • Temperature probe on each cold finger for highest temperature accuracy
  • Sample jars are standard threaded bottles (GL45) with 100 to 250 ml volume

The sample bottles are filled with the sample and are screwed to the cold finger.
The picture on the left shows a 100 ml bottle. Bottles with a volume of up to 250 ml are be used.
Every unit has its own temperature probe, each cold finger temperature is controlled individually. So, different temperatures between the cold fingers and temperature ramps are possible.

The 6 units are placed in the bath and the test is started with the pre-set start temperatures and stirring speeds (shear rates!). After test time expiration, the cold finger units are taken out of the bath and the sample bottle is screwed off.


After the oil reminders have been dripped off, the deposit is taken from the cold finger and is weighed. Comparative weighing of the deposited paraffin amounts of treated and untreated samples show the effectiveness of the used chemical.
The cold fingers are replaceable, varying lengths and diameters are available.
Temperature ramps for bath and cold finger temperature are programmable.

The effectiveness of the oil treatment with different chemicals or varying concentrations is already visible to the naked eye.


Technical Data

  • No of Cold Fingers: 6 (standard) or 10
  • Sample jars: standard bottles (GL45), volume 100 or 250 ml
  • Temperature ranges:
    - of sample: ambient to +60 °C (alternatives available)
    - of cold fingers: -15 °C to +60 °C (alternatives available)
  • Stirrer speed: 100 to 2000 rpm
  • Data display: PC and control display
  • Software: WinCF for Windows 9x/NT/2k/XP/7
  • Power supply: 240 VAC / 50 Hz or 110 VAC / 60 Hz
  • Power consumption: 3200 W


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