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식품 측정분석 솔루션

(주)연진에스텍은 고품질의 식품 물성 및 발열량, 성분, 투과도 측정장비를 판매합니다.


식품물성분석기 (Food Texture Profile Analyzer, TPA)

  • Hardness, Softness, Cohesiveness, Puncture, Fracture, Cutting, Stiffness, Bloom, Forward extrusion, Backward extrusion 등의 다양한 물성 측정이 가능한 기기입니다.


TPA Measurement Graph for Hardness, Adhesiveness, Cohesiveness, Springiness, Gumminess, Chewiness, Resilience

식품 발열량 측정기 (BioCalorimeter), 등온열량계 (Isothermal Calorimeter)

  • 등온열량계를 이용한 식품 발효에 따른 발열량을 측정하는 기기입니다. 
  • Seed germination, Food preservation and spoilage, Metabolic response of living organisms, Microbiological studies, Water treatment and purity, Fermentation and yeast studies, Soil testing, Infectious disease research


Chromatography (HPLC+GC-MS)

The range of KONIK equipment and specific solutions that GIBNIK offers for food and beverages analysis is quite comprehensive. Includes the standard KONIK GCs and HPLCs low cost configurations to the more sophisticated KONIK GC-MS and HPLC-MS systems, as well as the uniquely patented KONIK HPLC+GC-MS Multidimensional Triple Analyzer. This unique patented system facilitates lowering detection limits, simplifying sample preparation, reducing total analysis time and individual cost of analysis, while widening the scope to determination of both, target and unknowns, as well as the ability to analyze polar non volatile by “On line Derivatization”-GC-MS with standard libraries search.

Among other is worth mentioning the specific taylor made solution packages that GIBNIK offers for :

  • Pesticides residues in any matrix
  • Fatty acids  and sterols in oils and fats
  • Alcohols, esters, flavours and fermentation byproducts
  • Antioxidants, phenols, and other bioactive substances
  • Food additives,…
The identification of 5 additional alkaloids and cutting agents with pharmacological effects, such as LEVAMISOLE, used as cancer chemotherapy drug.


Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for RoHS (ED-XRF)

  • AL-NP-5010A는 기본적으로 RoHS 테스트 용으로 설계 되어, 샘플 내 독성이 있는 원소, 유해원소를 테스트하는 데 추천됩니다. 본 모델은 검량선을 작성하지 않아도 되는 모델입니다. 


UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (UV분광광도계)

  • 식품 산업 및 교육 분야는 UV2601 UV/VIS - Double Beam Spectrophotometer가 추천됩니다.
  • 생화학 연구 및 산업, 제약 분석 및 생산, 교육, 환경 보호, 식품 산업, 임상 검사, 위생 및 전염병 등과 같은 분야에서 정량적 및 정성적 분석에 광범위하게 사용할 수 있습니다.
  • 다양한 측정 방법 - Wavelength scan, Time scan, Multi-wavelength determination, Multi-order derivative determination, Double-wavelength method 및 Triple-wavelength method 등의 다양한 측정 요구 사항을 제공합니다.


농업 화학 및 농산물 물성 분석 솔루션