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Online Analyzers

Acidity, Alkalinity, Ammonia, Carbonate, Chloride, Chlorine, Chromium VI (ppb), Total Chromium, Free Copper Cyanide

Total Cyanide, Fluoride, Water Hardness, Hypophosphite, Iron, Electroless Nickel, Peroxide, pH (auto calibrated), Phenol

SC1/SC2, Silica, SO2 / Sulfite, Surfactant, Thiocyanate, Zinc, Anodize Line, Process Line, Plating Line, Wastewater Analyzers

L450 OH Online Alkalinity Analyzer 온라인 알칼리성 (알칼리도) 측정기

Liquid Analysis Systems사의 L460 series 화학 분석기는 pH, ORP, ISE, 탁도계 및 다양한 센서를 사용하여 많은 수성 화학 종의 온라인 습식 화학 적정법에 따라 분석합니다. L460의 기능은 신뢰성 및 사용 편의성, 최소 운영 비용에 최적화되어 있습니다.


L450 Series Features

• Auto sample retrieval and preparation

• Result range and trend check

• Auto check of titrant, sample, and electrodes


Through its display and keypad, users can view process status and history, and modify analysis intervals and other configuration parameters. This series offers a variety of hardware options for stream selection, sample preparation, and sample/reagent delivery.


Series Options

• Multi-stream and multi-parameter analysis

• Standard precision titrant dose pumps with better than ±1.5% accuracy

• Grab sample port

• Replenishment and dosing systems

• RS 485/Ethernet networking/E mail messaging


L450 OH - Online Alkalinity Analyzer

The L450 online analyzer measures alkalinity in water, wastewater, or process streams by means of a robust, non-drift differential potentiometric titration with acid. Free and total alkalinity are determined by multiple-endpoint titrations. The titration electrode does not require refilling or even routine replacement. The method does not require calibration, and typically requires only one reagent. With the exception of a stir bar, no wearing parts such as peristaltic pump tubes and no drift-prone devices such as gel-filled electrodes are used. Because of this, annual maintenance is minimized. In addition, sampling and replenishment systems are available to satisfy a range of process requirements.

L450-OH Analyzer has configuration of Base model with one pH titration cell, standard precision titrant dose pump, one sample/waste pump, single stream inlet, 4-20 mA output.



CLx Additional current loop output(s), 4-20 mA, isolated

DI Digital input for remote control of analyses or replenishment

DO Digital output relay with settable trip point or other control function

EB Ethernet server for remote monitoring via web browser

G1 Auto grab sample with sipper tube inlet.

MSx Multi-stream sampling, x = number of streams.

RRx Replenishment control (Relay or Pneumatic output options)

SK Spares kit (basic and extended versions available)

SS Sample inlet strainer with auto backflush.



Method Potentiometric pH titration with sulfuric acid. Differential endpoint with first breakpoint as free and second as total alkalinity.

Configurable over 50:1 range, e.g., 20 to 1000 ppm Cl

Repeatability Settable: 2% of range
Cycle time Minimum 4 to 7 minutes per stream
Equipment Stability Better than 1% / yr
Reagent consumption 50 to 500 µl/test, dependant on process value and range
Power required 100/240 VAC or 24 VDC
Sample streams Standard:1 Optional: up to 5
Sample conditions Standard: 5 to 25 psig, < 25 µm particulate, 10 to 60 °C Other: consult factory
Sample connection ¼” NPT-F
Water (for option SS or high range samples) 100K ohm resistivity, minimum 20 to 60 psi, ¼” tube or NPT-F connection
Air supply (for option SS) Compressed, oil-free, ¼” tube or NPT-F connection
Waste ½” tube connection to drain
Leak 3 /8” tube connection to drain
Drain ½” NPT. Drain must be vented or unpressurized.
Enclosure 24” H x 20” W x 10” D, wall mount, NEMA 4X/IP66
Display/Touchscreen 3” x 2.2”, LCD with backlight

Standard: 4-20 mA process value, maintenance alarm relay.
Optional: alarm relay with settable trip point, Ethernet, and/or serial network per user requirements.

Specifications are subject to review of sample conditions.


Liquid Analysis Systems, Inc. USA
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