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PipeLine Restart Loop

 PipeLine Restart Loop는 송유관의 blocking을 완화하는 데 사용하는 침적억제제의 개발이나 시험에 사용되는 새로운 기기로써, 다양한 pipeline restart test를 수행하는데 적합하다. 또한 Yield Stress 시험이 가능하며, 펄스가 전혀 발생하지 않고 교체가능한 test pipeline을 이용함으로써 pipeline blocking simulation시 매우 효과적이다.

Absolute pressure range: 50 bar (725 psi)
Temperature range: -30 °C to +90 °C
Flow rate: 0.01 to 80 ml/min * * alternatives available for All the spec

 - 왁스나 파라핀의 침적으로 인한 파이프라인의 블록킹 시뮬레이션 
- 항복강도 (Yield stress) 시험

- Flow improver / 침적 억제제 시험 (deposition inhibitor testing)

- 특별히 고안된 고정밀 펌프시스템은 zero flow rate에서 최대압력을 전개 하는 절대 pulse-free flow를 제공하므로, 시험 파이프라인 내에 매우 현실적인 전단력과 flow regime이 가능하다.


Pipeline Restart Loop: Yield Stress

Pipeline Restart Loop for pipeline blocking and yield strength tests. By F5 Technologie, Germany
Pipeline Restart Loop

Deposition of complex and heavy organic compounds in crude and heavy oil can cause a number of severe problems up to pipeline blocking. This new instrument provides the ability to develop and test inhibiting chemicals.

The new Pipeline Restart Loop is suitable to perform a variety of pipeline restart tests:

Pipeline blocking simulation with exchangeable test pipelines

  • Yield stress tests (yield strength measurements)
  • Flow improver / deposition inhibitor testing

The exchangeable test pipeline is filled with the sample and cooled down to a set temperature.
The cooling rate is programmable (temperature profiles).

After cooling, the pump starts to press the sample through the pipeline at very low flow rates. The increasing pressure is measured at high sample rates. The pressure/time curve shows the yield break at its maximum. Measurements with untreated samples can be compared to measurements with treated samples to show the chemical's effectiveness.

Pipeline Restart Test: Heavy Crude Oil
Pipeline Restart Test: Heavy Crude

The especially designed high-accurate pump system provides an absolutely pulsation-free flow, with maximum pressure starting at zero flow rate. So, very realistic shear and flow regimes inside the test pipeline are possible.

The exchangeable test pipelines can have a length up to 20 m at OD 1/4", even onger at smaller diameters.

  • Absolute pressure range: 50 bar (725 psi), alternatives possible
  • Temperature ranges:
    - of sample: ambient to +80 °C
    - of test loop: -30 °C to +90 °C (alternatives available)
  • Flow rate: 0.01 to 80 ml/min, alternatives available
  • Display: PC display and temperature display
  • Software: MS Windows 9x/2k/XP
  • Power supply: 240 VAC / 50 Hz or 110 VAC / 60 Hz
  • Power consumption: 3,100 W max

Beispielmessung: Pipeline Restart mit Roh?l aus Malaysia


Sample Pipeline Restart Test (englisch, 129k)






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