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General Instruments

Firebird 1000W Laser High power, high speed laser

Firebird는 Flame penetration을 포함한 다양한 고속 이미징 응용 분야를 위해 설계된 1000W 고출력 레이저 이미지분석기입니다.


                                          Easy to use laser controller

Created to be used for illuminating bright events, the Firebird is a high speed imaging laser which can be triggered by most cameras straight out of the box. The versatile triggering control options allow the laser to capture frame-straddled PIV images (or time-resolved images) at frame rates up to 50 kHz continuously.

The same compact controller is used in both the Firefly and the Firebird lasers. This controller simplifies set-up and has proven a hit with many of our customers worldwide. We can also supply software running on MS Windows to provide complete control of all the laser functions. 

Machined from block aluminium, the Firebird features a robust splash-proof housing surrounding the laser head with an adjustable, built-in lens to illuminate areas with a cross-section from 25mm-150mm. 

The air-cooled head is splash-proof, however, a fully waterproof version is available if you need to fully submerge the unit for underwater measurements. 


Key Benefits

                  Accessories available- Large area diffuser
  • High Power: 1 kW power
  • Robust: Machined aluminium case
  • Splash-proof: Water resistant housing
  • Adjustable: Illuminate larger working areas
  • Computer controlled
  • Versatile: Multiple triggering options available


Firebird Specification 

  • Diode laser 
  • Laser head = 230mm x 150mm x 150mm 
  • Laser head = 5.5kg
  • Laser controller = 2.6kg
Firebird with liquid light guide accessory
The Firebird is our high power (1000W) laser designed for a range of high speed imaging applications including Flame penetration.


Oxford Lasers, UK
온습도/압력/액체질소 컨트롤러 LN2 LIQUID NITROGEN COOLING SYSTEMS Enable sample cooling to as low as -190°C Systems consist of a pump, a Dewar, a lid with a stoppere
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