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Two methodologies have been developed to all stable isothermal operation of the THT Accelerating Rate Calorimeter. One of these is quasi-adiabatic and the other truly isothermal. In the latter it is the calorimeter jacket temperature that is the controlled temperature and in the former control is from the bomb thermocouple. The quasiadiabatic isothermal mode was that originally devised. Though good for detection of exothermic reactions at high sensitivity, this method is problematic in that the
temperature of control is not strict and drift will occur. The extent or rate of drift will depend on the quality of calibration of the instrument. Therefore in the original instrument an Isothermal Window of 2°C was advised and the system would drift within this band.

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ARC Technical Information Sheet No. 11, Thermal Hazard Technology, UK

검색 결과 31건

  • 분류 : 가속속도열량계